School Newsletter Term 4, Week 10, 13th December 2024
Principals Letter
Happy Birthday to...
STAR Students
EBT Celebrations
2024 School Fees & Levies
Lunch box ideas
Ambulance Cover
Bus Travel & Conveyance Allowance
Medical Information
Student Medical Information
Child Safety
Uniform Shop
PAM - Parent Access Module
Parking & Road Safety
Bell times
Parish News
Advanced dates for your diary
Community Notices
Principals Letter
Dear St Augustine's families,
Our building project has now extended beyond 12 months but we hope to have the certificate of occupancy within the next couple of weeks.
The transformation is tremendous and we will truly appreciate it when we move in.
The administration and entrance of our school is more inclusive and welcoming with a ramp giving all access. The internal classrooms of the main building have glass windows inserted to provide light and visibility. Additional breakout rooms will mean children who need extra support can do so with fewer interruptions and visiting services such as OT, speech will have privacy.
We have a new library space and two new teaching spaces. We look forward to enjoying our new spaces in 2025.
This building project will provide the opportunity to increase our enrolments by another class but we also are very mindful of playground space which is not in abundance.
We look forward to enjoying our new spaces in 2025.
I would like to thank and commend the staff and students on their resilience, patience and flexibility in adapting to the changes across the last 18 months. Some classes have had to rehome in different spaces and some staff have been without spaces and that is a real challenge as an added extra to an already challenging job. It is a real credit to these staff and students who have been affected the most.
Schools are places where partnerships of home and school are paramount to every child's educational journey. All the research indicates that every child performs better socially, emotionally and academically when there is a strong home school connection. We certainly look forward to this partnership continuing and growing next year and beyond with all our children and their families.
I acknowledge our parent body, who support our school with willing enthusiasm. The recent mango and family photo fundraising opportunities and Energy Breakthrough event was a testament to the ongoing support from our school community.
The EBT epitomises this unwavering support given by our families. This community event saw many families assisting in any way they were able to. It really takes a village to raise a child, no one person could have ensured the event was as successful as it took many people with many talents and the sheer joy and excitement from the children proved how worthwhile it was. Catering, timing, sleeping over, mechanical issues, transporting carts and coolrooms, set up, pack up, all need to be acknowledged.
Special thanks to Sam and Nathan Porter, and Darren Anderson for the many hours over many years that went into ensuring our carts were mechanically race ready and then were on hand to make sure they stayed on the track.
Special thanks to a couple of leaving families.
Anne Jardine - Anne managed and coordinated our school uniform shop for 6 years. This was a massive commitment by Anne, she was available twice a week for our families but then spent many hours behind the scenes after hours sorting, organising, sourcing, ordering and reordering uniform. Thank you Anne!
Bianca Anderson - Bianca has coordinated our Mothers and Fathers Day stalls since 2013. She has ordered goods, set up and arranged the stalls after hours (and this takes many hours), coordinated helpers for 11 years …… and now has also recruited 2 new helpers Sarah and Jacinta to ensure the children still have this experience. She also was instrumental in the catering that happens at EBT. Thank you Bianca!
Tuesday 28th Jan - Staff day (Student free day)
Wednesday 29th Jan - Staff PD day - School Review (Student free day)
Wednesday 12th February - Structured literacy (Student Free day)
Monday 24th – Wed 26th March - Year 5/6 camp
Monday 19th – 21st May - Year 3/4 camp
Thursday 24th April - Staff PD day - School Review (Student free day)
2025 School Fees & Levies - below is the 2025 School Fees & Levies information.
Fees will be billed early Term 1 and statements will be sent home with students.
It is an expectation that all Resource fees are paid by the end of February 2025. The Resource Fee covers all your childs books, stationary, digital licenses and classroom supplies.
Camp fees are to be paid prior to students attending the camp. 5/6 Camp is the 24-26th March and the 3/4 Camp is 19-21 May. All other fees are to be finalised by the end of November each year.
Valid concession card holders will be eligible for the government Camp Sports Excursion Fund (CSEF), Family Fee Assistance and the School Saving Bonus. Forms will be available for new claimants in the new year and existing claimants will be advised when payments have been received and applied to your fee accounts. More info to follow in Term 1.
CDFpay - The current access to CDFpay will cease as at FRIDAY 20TH DECEMBER. Instructions will be posted to Class Dojo on how to download the new App from the 20/12/24. this is a result of an upgrade and merge between CDFPay & Flexischools.
Year 6 Graduation
Congratulations to our Year 6 students on graduating from St Augustine's. Our Graduation celebrations began with Mass last Wednesday evening where the Foundation buddies led into Mass and farewelled the Year 6 students. Congratulations to all the scholarship recipients and we wish all students the very best at their respective Secondary Schools.
Freddy B | Hazel Hancock Parish Scholarship |
Angus B | Gary Bench Memorial Scholarship |
Stella B | Trish Crameri Memorial Scholarship |
Hudson B | Freemasons Scholarship |
Olivia B | Parents and Friends Scholarship |
Sarah C | Parents and Friends Scholarship |
Anaya F | Courage award - Martha Haylett |
Noah G | Patricia Walsh Memorial Scholarship |
Lily G | CARE Group Scholarship |
Liam H | Hickey Memorial Scholarship |
Oliver H | Trish Crameri Memorial Scholarship |
Daniel L | Hickey Memorial Scholarship |
Milla P | Patricia Walsh Memorial Scholarship |
Baxter P | MEC Scholarship |
Alyshia R | Brigidine Sisters’ Barbara May Scholarship |
Judd R | Parents and Friends Scholarship |
Maya R | Parents and Friends Scholarship |
Jakobi W | School - staff scholarship |
I take this opportunity to wish all families a very joyous, peaceful and safe Christmas holiday period. Thank you to all families who have helped ensure that 2024 has been a great year and I look forward to working in partnership with you all again next year.
We thank you Lord, for this year.
For the challenges, the successes,
and the mistakes from which we have learnt.
Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right;
to be witnesses of our faith.
Help us to live by your example these holidays,
to appreciate what others do for us,
to give time and effort to help others,
to be peacemakers in our family.
Keep us safe in our activities;
give us good rest and good fun.
Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new year.
We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents
and a community that cares for us.
May we always be conscious of you in our lives.
Many blessings,
Mrs Sonia Turner
Happy Birthday to...
Oscar B- Year 6 Everly N - Year 3 Angus B - Year 6 Layla D - F
Ida B - Year 2 Izayah M - Year 6 Reece C - Year 2 Ivy P - Year 3 Duarte S - Year 6
Isabelle J - Year 5 Santino H - Year 3 Charlie S - Year 4 Aryan D - Year 3 Molly A - Year 6
Archer C - Year 3 Oliver C - Year 5 Brody H - Year 6 Heath G - Foundation
Alexis C - Foundation Emerald R - Year 5 Vivian T - Year 2 Harley M - Year 3
STAR Students
At St Augustine's we are a SWPBIS school (School Wide Positive Behaviour in School) and we have a STAR culture. STAR stands for:
S - stay safe
T - take pride
A - act justly
R - respond positively
Just like children are explicitly taught academics, acceptable behaviour is also explicitly taught. STAR awards are given at Assembly each fortnight, exceptional STARs are sent a postcard which qualifies them to morning tea with the Principal at the end of the term.
STAR lessons are taught around a nominated behaviour blitz. Children are taught how to be a STAR in all places they go and what the acceptable behaviour looks like. Examples of a lessons: how to stay safe in class, in the library, the toilet, at the bus stop, on the playground or when walking to the swimming pool.
Term 4, 2024 Weekly STAR Awards
Week 9 & 10
Congratulations and well done!
Class | Student 1 | STAR Focus Student 1 | Student 2 | STAR Focus Student 2 |
3/4 Berry | Reef H Maya M | Take Pride Take Pride | Emmie R | Take Pride |
3/4 Grace | Sophia Willman | Take Pride | Hugo Roche | Take Pride |
Science | Bridget Cain | Take Pride | Tahlia Martin | Take Pride |
Science | Finn Balzan | Take Pride | Charlie Bucknall | Take Pride |
Congratulations to our Term 4 STARS who enjoyed a morning tea with Mrs Turner yesterday. Well done to all!
EBT Celebrations
2024 School Fees & Levies
2025 School Fees & Levies - below is the 2025 School Fees & Levies information.
Fees will be billed early Term 1 and statements will be sent home with students.
It is an expectation that all Resource fees are paid by the end of February 2025. The Resource Fee covers all your childs books, stationary, digital licenses and classroom supplies.
Camp fees are to be paid prior to students attending the camp. 5/6 Camp is the 24-26th March and the 3/4 Camp is 19-21 May. All other fees are to be finalised by the end of November each year.
Valid concession card holders will be eligible for the government Camp Sports Excursion Fund (CSEF), Family Fee Assistance and the School Saving Bonus. Forms will be available for new claimants in the new year and existing claimants will be advised when payments have been received and applied to your fee accounts. More info to follow in Term 1.
We welcome all students and their families who share or respect our Catholic faith, values and traditions. Catholic education is supported by State and Federal funding, with families contributing the balance of the cost of educating their children. At times, some families are unable to meet their commitment to the full costs of education. As a Catholic school system, we ensure fee relief mechanisms are available to support families in time of need. We encourage these discussions on enrolment or as these needs emerge.
Lunch box ideas
SchoolTV is a great resource for parents & caregivers.
See below link for articles on Positive Parenting and many more important issues.
Ambulance Cover
Emergency medical transport services are not free and not covered by Medicare. Become a genuine
If your child required an ambulance at school we would not hesitate to call for one before speaking with parents. Without ambulance membership it can be a very costly trip! If your not already covered please consider!
Bus Travel & Conveyance Allowance
PTV forms are required to be updated and completed yearly by all families who have bus travellers.
Bus travel on the country buses is available for students at St Augustine’s School and arrangements are made through the bus co-ordinator, Heather Jennings, at the Maryborough Education Centre on 5461 7900. Parents of the student/s must organise the pass through MEC at least two days prior to travel. Students cannot travel on the country buses without a pass. The town bus does not require a pass but costs 50cents a trip, payable on the day of travel. Please advise the office if your child will be travelling on any of the buses so we can update our bus rolls.
All bus travel requires parents/guardians to complete a Public Transport Victoria (PTV) Application for Permission to Travel form prior to any bus travel. This form can be emailed direct to Heather Jennings at MEC, It is important that this form is completed as these details will be used in the event of an emergency.
An application on behalf of a student may be submitted if the student is:
- a Victorian resident.
- school aged and enrolled (3) three or more days per week at a school; and
- attending a school/campus located outside the Melbourne metropolitan conveyance boundary
A student who meets the above requirements may be eligible if they:
- attend their nearest or designated neighbourhood government school/campus appropriate to their year level, at which admission is permissible, or
- attend their nearest appropriate non-government school/campus appropriate to their year level, at which admission is permissible, and
- reside 4.8km or more by the shortest practicable route from the campus attended
Medical Information
Grass pollen season brings an increase in asthma and hay fever. It also brings the chance of thunderstorm asthma. Thunderstorm asthma is thought to be triggered by a unique combination of high amounts of grass pollen in the air and a certain type of thunderstorm. For people who have asthma or hay fever this can trigger severe asthma symptoms. If you have current, past or undiagnosed asthma or seasonal hay fever you are at risk of thunderstorm asthma. Even if you don't think you have asthma or hay fever, don't ignore symptoms like wheezing or shortness of breath. Thunderstorm asthma can be sudden, serious and even life threatening.Know the risks. Get prepared. Stay safe. Learn more at
Student Medical Information
If your child is unwell please keep them at home.
This includes coughs, colds, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea and any other contagious illnesses.
Coughs & Colds
Children can return to school once symptoms have eased and they are not actively coughing or blowing their nose.
Vomitting & Diarrhoea
Children can return to school 48 hours after the last episode.
We will send children home if they present with any of these symptoms whilst at school.
Notifying Absences
All absentee notifications should be recorded either through the Parent Access Module (PAM) or directly to the school office by phone or email to prior to 9.30am on the day of the absence. Please do not send notes of absence through to classroom teachers on Class Dojo as they may be absent or unable to check messages prior to commencement of class.
If a student is absent and we have not received any form of notification by 9.30am, a text message will be sent to parents asking them to call the office or send a reply text.
Child Safety
St. Augustine's Primary School Maryborough demonstrates a strong commitment to the care, safety and wellbeing of all students at our school.
All of our Child Safe policies and procedures are accessible on our website through the link below.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is now closed. Any orders placed after 12/12/24 will be filled in Term 1, 2025.
We are discontinuing the lemon polo's due to the large delay in delivery times. We are out of stock of size 8 & 10 & 12 short sleeve polo's and are substituting for green polo's. Lemon polo's still available in all other sizes while stocks last.
Bucket Hats available from the uniform shop or school office for $12 each. Compulsory for Term 1 - NO HAT, NO PLAY!
Uniform orders will continue to be filled and sent home with your child(ren) weekly. If you would like to enquire about secondhand uniform, please send a message to Amber on Class Dojo with your required items and sizes and we will send home what we can supply, $5 per item.
If you have any queries or items to be exchanged, please contact the school office.
Note: There is no designated period for summer or winter uniform. Students can choose what they would like to wear in any season. The only exception is that sports uniform must be worn on designated sports days and bucket hats are to be worn between August & April.
Recent changes to sun protection regulations have deemed the UV rays as a predictor for the wearing of sun protection, such as hats. In the past we have mandated hats in Term 1 and 4 however now in Victoria, UV levels typically reach 3 or higher daily from mid-August to the end of April.
Daily sun protection times are forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology based on location. At levels above 3, sun protection is recommended for all skin types. No hat, no play!
If you call the office and the phone is unattended or busy, please leave a message. and we will get back to you ASAP. Alternatively please email a message through to or send a class dojo through to Ms O'Kearney. Please try and avoid last minute end of day changes for students. We understand that things do come up and if a change needs to be urgently relayed to your child/ren, please call and speak with the office so we can make sure they get the message immediately.
Please note with the temporary office relocation we only have one phone line!
PAM - Parent Access Module
We require ALL families to complete and update their child/ren’s medical details and contact information for 2023 through PAM and throughout the year as changes occur.
This information is mandatory and vital in the case of an emergency. It is important that if you have any change to your contact numbers, including work place, mobile, home number, that these be updated through PAM and to advise the school office.
To complete your child/rens medical profile including contact information, go to PAM, click on your child/rens name, go to 'Medical Profile' and click 'Edit Details'. Complete details then click in the box at the bottom of the page to confirm the details are correct and click ‘Update Details’.
If you have any questions or require your login details, please contact the school office.
Parking & Road Safety
Parking behind the church & tennis courts is STAFF ONLY parking. Please do not use these areas to park or pickup your children. Vehicle movement in and out of these areas means you are driving over footpaths/walkways which both our students and Highview students are using. This creates a potential safety hazard.
Follow road safety regulations, keep driveways clear, check carefully before reversing and avoid letting your children exit or enter a car whilst on the road or stopped at the crossings. Please do not double park. We all want to keep our families safe so your co-operation is appreciated.
Please observe road rules around our school for the safety of all of our children.
* Schools have 40km zone.
* Parking behind the church & tennis courts is STAFF ONLY parking.
* Please use the children's crossing on Burns, Kars St and Burke St.
* For safety purposes, please avoid letting your children exit or enter a car whilst on the road or stopped at the crossings. Please do not double park.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Bell times
5 minutes prior to classes commencing there is music played. This signals to the children it is time to start moving to class. This is the time children need to have a drink, go to the toilet etc. so they are lined up and ready to start class when the bell goes.
8:30am - Yard Care Supervision begins
8:45am - Classroom teacher in classroom - meet & greet
8:55pm - School classes begin
9am-11am - 2 hour learning session
11am-11:40am - First break
11:40am-1:40pm - 2 hour learning session
1:40pm-2:20pm - Second break
2:20pm-3:15pm - 55 minute learning session
3:10pm - Fiscalini & Flanagan dismissal
3:15pm - Arundell & Scanlan, Bus students dismissal
Parish News
Please see link below for the latest Parish Bulletin & readings.
Advanced dates for your diary
Tuesday 17th December - Last day for students, 3.15pm finish
2025 DATES
Tuesday 28th Jan - Staff day (Student free day)
Wednesday 29th Jan - Staff PD day - School Review (Student free day)
Wednesday 12th February - Structured literacy (Student Free day)
Monday 24th – Wed 26th March - Year 5/6 camp
Monday 19th – 21st May - Year 3/4 camp
Thursday 24th April - Staff PD day - School Review (Student free day)
Please see the link to the school calendar below for all important dates.